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Tartan Alumni Legacy Endowment

The Tartan Alumni Legacy Endowment (TALE) fund is solely used to support financial aid at St. Margaret’s. TALE ensures that all current and future Tartans needing financial support can have the gift of a St. Margaret’s education. Ultimately, the goal is to grow TALE to the point that every Tartan’s demonstrated need is perpetually met.

Alumni Giving FAQ

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • What is TALE?

    TALE supports St. Margaret’s Financial Aid program for current and future Tartans. It is the only endowment fund at St. Margaret’s that is both driven by alumni and solely focused on helping fund financial aid.

    Ultimately, the goal is to have TALE serve as St. Margaret’s primary source of financial aid funding, ensuring that all students can receive a St. Margaret’s education regardless of their financial background.
    How much each alumnus contributes is a personal decision. Alumni have historically given $1 to $5,000. However, each gift makes a difference, regardless of its size, and every generation of Tartan will benefit from your generosity.
  • Who benefits from TALE?

    St. Margaret’s provides financial aid to more than 150 Tartans each year, totaling ~$5 million. These Tartans are an integral part of our community, and are involved with athletics, the arts, student government, and so much more. Without these students, our school would not be the place that we all grew to love.
    TALE supports financial aid for these students, partially funding the aid packages needed for these Tartans to receive a St. Margaret’s education. Ultimately, TALE will grow so that it can sustain financial aid demand in perpetuity, ensuring that each Tartan receives an education, regardless of their financial background.
  • What is the vision for TALE?

    The vision for TALE is that it becomes a self-sustaining fund that fully finances financial aid in perpetuity at St. Margaret’s. In other words, the goal is for TALE to provide enough money such that that every Tartan can receive a St. Margaret’s education regardless of financial background. As St. Margaret’s grows, the need for financial aid will grow as well. TALE can assist in alleviating these financial pressures placed on the students and St. Margaret’s.
    Since its inception, TALE has raised over $1 million in permanently restricted funds, with a lifetime return of 8.2%. All gains have been reinvested in the fund for compounding growth to support future Tartans. Yet, TALE will need to keep growing in order to support our students. Consequently, our long-term vision is to grow TALE to ~$50 million over the next decade.

    TALE works like the majority of endowment funds used by educational institutions. When you donate to TALE, your dollar is invested in a collection of index funds and other assets that create compounding, long-term growth which ultimately generate funds for financial aid in perpetuity.
  • My company has a matching gift program, what does that mean?

    Many companies offer as a benefit to their employees the opportunity to “match” your charitable contribution to your chosen charity or non-profit. You can utilize a matching gift through your work to surpass the leadership donor mark of $2,500 – meaning you can contribute $1,250 annually (roughly $100/month) and your company will contribute the balance to make you a leadership donor! To see if your company has program contact your Human Resources Office or contact for assistance.
  • Can I make my gift through stocks?

    Alumni can make gifts multiple ways – cash, credit card, and also through stock transfers. To do so contact for all the details on how to make your gift.
  • Can I name St. Margaret’s as a beneficiary on my 401k at work or in my estate plan?

    Certainly. By doing so you’ll become part of the Ernest D. Sillers Legacy Society. Named after Fr. Sillers, it was established to recognize those whose commitment to St. Margaret’s extends well into the future. Contact Jonathan Tufo to notify us for proper recognition.
  • Can I volunteer to serve on the Tartan Alumni Council's Endowment Committee?

    Certainly! We love alumni volunteers. If you have a passion for encouraging your peers to philanthropically give back to your alma mater, this might be a great volunteer fit for you! Please contact to express your interest.
  • Do you take Venmo?

    Yes! Make your gift easy and just Venmo us @TartanAlumni. Be sure to include your name, class year, and the word “TALE” in your message!

TALE Giving Levels

List of 7 items.

  • Club '79

    Donor loyalty club for consecutive giving
  • Friends Circle

  • Tartan Circle

  • Leadership Circle

  • Highlander Circle

  • Regency Circle

  • Royal Circle

    $25,000 or more
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St. Margaret's Episcopal School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid, hiring and athletic policies or in other school-administered programs.